Tera Technologies’ baby EV hits crowdfunding incubator

Tera Technologies’ baby EV hits crowdfunding incubator
Tera Technologies’ baby EV hits crowdfunding incubator
Launched with a campaign on Seedrs, the startup’s first take on a revolution in electric mobility is the MiracleONE, an up-cycled Citroën platform with two battery systems including up to four patent-pending detachable batteries that unlock “unprecedented" range capabilities.
#automotivestartup #BernFormulaStudent #Citroën #crowdfunding #Duillier #electricmobility #ElectricVehicle #Enuu #EV #FormulaStudent #Futurride #MiracleONE #MiracleTWO #rangeextenders #rangeextendingbatteries #Seedrs #sustainablemobility #Switzerland #TeraMiracleONE #TeraTechnologies


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