Range Energy accelerates truck electrification by powering trailers

Range Energy accelerates truck electrification by powering trailers
Range Energy accelerates truck electrification by powering trailers
The startup’s RA fleet trailer electrification platform can improve conventional truck fuel economy by over 36%, according to recent tests, or extend electric-truck battery range, and is now eligible for point-of-sale incentives up to $80,000/unit through a California Air Resources Board program.
#AdvancedCleanTransportationExpo #California #CaliforniaAirResourcesBoard #costpermileexpenditures #electricdrive #electrictraileraxlesystem #emissionsreductionstargets #Futurride #MesillaValleyTransportationSolutions #MountainView #R7Partners #RangeEnergy #sustainablemobility #tractortrailerelectrification #UPPartners #YamahaMotorVentures


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