Caterpillar amps up electrification and energy solutions

Caterpillar amps up electrification and energy solutions
Caterpillar amps up electrification and energy solutions
At CES 2024, the off-highway vehicle powerhouse brought electric machines from opposite ends of the size spectrum—the 301.9 mini-excavator and XE LHD underground loader for mining—and emphasized energy solutions to help customers more easily electrify their job sites.
#Caterpillar #Caterpillar3019 #CaterpillarMEC500 #CaterpillarR1700XELHD #CES #CES2024 #CRH #electricminiexcavator #electricmining #electricoffhighwaymachines #electricundergroundloader #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #mobileequipment #Newmont #offhighwayenergy #sustainablemobility


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