Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars

Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars
Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars
Added to the fast-growing list of electro-modders, the new PA-based company recently partnered with Alan Mann Racing to transform the classic first-gen Mustang into a daily-usable electric GT with performance, handling, safety, and comfort features far beyond the original.
#1965MustangCoupe #AlanMannRacing #ElectricVehicle #electromod #EV #firstgenerationMustang #Ford #FordMustang #Futurride #LEDLivingTechnology #MannePowerCars #Manncorp #Pennsylvania #PhiladelphiaAutoShow #sustainablemobility


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