Infinitum looks to disrupt vehicle electrification with Aircore Mobility

Infinitum looks to disrupt vehicle electrification with Aircore Mobility
Infinitum looks to disrupt vehicle electrification with Aircore Mobility
The company is applying its PCB-stator technology from industrial and alternator markets to the mobility sector, looking first at mining and marine applications with its more sustainable, axial-flux, liquid-cooled e-mobility motor with initial applications targeting hydraulics and power takeoffs.
#AircoreEC #AircoreMobility #AircorePowerGen #Austin #commercialtrucking #Deloitte #Futurride #GalvanizeClimateSolutions #Infinitum #InfinitumAircore #InfinitumVFD #InternationalEnergyAgency #JustClimate #LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory #marine #mining #NGP #PCBstator #RockwellAutomation #sustainableelectricmotor #sustainablemobility #Texas #USDepartmentofEnergy #variablefrequencydrive #variablespeedmotor


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