NoTraffic bridging V2X gap between connected vehicles and other road users

NoTraffic bridging V2X gap between connected vehicles and other road users
NoTraffic bridging V2X gap between connected vehicles and other road users
The U.S. patented software-defined technology will help nonconnected vehicles and vulnerable road users to share the same benefits of its vehicle-to-everything platform revolutionizing traffic lights into a cloud-connected digital grid to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and safety.
#AImobilityplatform #connectedvehicles #Futurride #nonconnectedvehicles #NoTraffic #sustainablemobility #trafficcontrol #USDepartmentofTransportation #UnitedStatesPatentandTrademarkOffice #USDOT #USPTO #V2X #V2Xcommunication #V2Xtechnology #vehicletoeverything #VRUs #vulnerableroadusers


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