XCharge NA to build Level 3 EV charging superhub in Texas

XCharge NA to build Level 3 EV charging superhub in Texas
XCharge NA to build Level 3 EV charging superhub in Texas
The installation at Watters Creek Village in the Dallas area will soon be the largest of a new non-Tesla DC fast-charging hub, according to the maker of the Net Zero Series EV charger said to be the first truly battery-integrated EV charger in the U.S. with bi-directional grid support.
#Allen #batteryintegratedEVcharger #bidirectionalcharging #Dallas #DCfastcharging #ElectricVehicle #EV #EVcharger #EVchargergridsupport #EVchargingsuperhub #Futurride #Kyle #MD7 #peakshaving #sustainablemobility #Texas #WattersCreekVillage #XChargeNetZeroSeries #XChargeNorthAmerica #XChargeNZS


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