Augmented reality adds immersion to head-up displays

Augmented reality adds immersion to head-up displays
Augmented reality adds immersion to head-up displays
Reports from IDTechEx and reveal market outlooks and trends for technologies like computer-generated holography and light field displays from innovators such as Continental, Denso, Visteon, Harman, Hyundai Mobis, WayRay, Hudway, Envisics, Appotronics, and FIC.
#Appotronics #ARHUDs #augmentedreality #augmentedrealityHUDs #automotiveheadupdisplays #CGH #computergeneratedholography #Continental #Denso #Envisics #FirstInternationalComputer #Futurride #Harman #headupdisplay #headupdisplays #HUD #HUDs #Hudway #HyundaiMobis #IDTechEx #LFDs #lightfielddisplays #ResearchAndMarketscom #sustainablemobility #TFTLCDs #thinfilmtransistorliquidcrystaldisplays #Visteon #WayRay


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