Elektrobit reveals breakthrough open-source and networking software

Elektrobit reveals breakthrough open-source and networking software
Elektrobit reveals breakthrough open-source and networking software
At Auto China this week, the company is showing Corbos Linux for Safety Applications, the industry’s first open-source automotive operating system for safety applications, and Zoneo GatewayCore, a tool for configuring hardware accelerators in AUTOSAR-based automotive E/E architectures.
#Arm #AutoChina #autohardwareaccelerators #autooperatingsystems #BeijingInternationalAutomotiveExhibitio #Canonical #ClassicAUTOSAR #Continental #cybersecuritymaintenance #cybersecuritymanagement #EBCorbos #EBCorbosLinuxforSafetyApplications #EBZoneoGatewayCore #Elektrobit #Futurride #Infineon #InfineonAURIXTC4x #Linuxecosystem #opensourceautomotivesoftware #sustainablemobility #Tesla #UNECER155


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