Bluewhite to bolster New Holland autonomous capabilities for specialty crop operations

Bluewhite to bolster New Holland autonomous capabilities for specialty crop operations
Bluewhite to bolster New Holland autonomous capabilities for specialty crop operations
Building on CNH’s acquisitions of Raven, Augmenta, and Hemisphere that are driving New Holland’s autonomy offerings for row-crop and broad-acre farmers, Bluewhite’s technology will help specialty-crop customers address immediate challenges such as labor shortages and rising operational costs.
#agriculturalRaaS #agricultureaftermarketkit #AI #AlliedMarketResearch #AlumniVentures #Augmenta #autonomousfarmingtechnology #autonomoustractor #BlueWhiteRobotics #Bluewhite #BluewhiteCompass #BluewhitePathfinder #CNH #CNHIndustrial #EntréeCapital #Futurride #Hemisphere #InsightPartners #Jesselson #LIPVentures #NewHolland #Ouster #Ousterlidar #PeregrineVentures #Raven #robotasaservice #SaaS #softwareasaservice #specialtycropautonomy #sustainablemobility


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