IIHS-HLDI finds little evidence that partial automation prevents crashes

IIHS-HLDI finds little evidence that partial automation prevents crashes
IIHS-HLDI finds little evidence that partial automation prevents crashes
A new study from the auto insurance industry research firm confirms that partial automation in vehicles does not confer additional safety benefits beyond those of crash-avoidance features like front automatic emergency braking.
#AEB #automaticemergencybraking #blindspotwarning #BMW #Crashrecords #crashavoidancefeatures #forwardcollisionwarning #Futurride #HighwayLossDataInstitute #insurancedata #InsuranceInstituteforHighwaySafety #lanecentering #lanedepartureprevention #Mini #Nissan #partialautomation #partialautomationsystems #preventingautocollisions #sustainablemobility


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