Indy Autonomous Challenge racecar sets autonomous hill climb record

Indy Autonomous Challenge racecar sets autonomous hill climb record
Indy Autonomous Challenge racecar sets autonomous hill climb record
At the Goodwood Festival of Speed last weekend, the new AV-24 racecar piloted by an artificial intelligence driver developed by the PoliMOVE-MSU team reached a top speed of 111.2 mph and finished in 66.37 s, breaking the previous autonomous record held by Roborace since 2019.
#AuburnUniversity #Bridgestone #CarnegieMellonUniversity #Cisco #Continental #dSPACE #Futurride #GoodwoodFestivalofSpeed #IndyAutonomousChallenge #KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology #Luminar #Marelli #MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology #MichiganStateUniversity #NewEagle #NI #PolitecnicodiMilano #PurdueUniversity #RochesterInstituteofTechnology #sustainablemobility #TechnicalUniversityofMunich #UCBerkeley #UCSanDiego #UniversityofAlabama #UniversityofHawaii #UniversityofModenaandReggioEmilia #UniversityofPittsburgh #UniversityofVirginia #UniversityofWaterloo #VectorNav


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