ICCT reports on automakers’ shift to more sustainable steel

ICCT reports on automakers’ shift to more sustainable steel
ICCT reports on automakers’ shift to more sustainable steel
The organization looked at steel supply chains and commitments to fossil-free steel, defined more sustainable steel terms, identified car companies at the forefront, and provided recommendations for automakers and policymakers to reduce steel-related GHG emissions.
#BMW #ClimateGroup #FirstMoversCoalition #Ford #fossilfreesteel #Futurride #GermanSteelFederation #GHGemissions #GM #greensteel #greenhousegasemissions #ICCT #ICCTreport #InternationalCouncilonCleanTransportation #InternationalEnergyAgency #LowEmissionSteelStandard #MercedesBenz #moresustainablesteel #reducedemissionsintensitysteel #RenaultGroup #ResponsibleSteel #SteelZero #Stellantis #sustainablemobility #Volkswagen #VolvoCars #WorldEconomicForum


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