Oruga shows ‘world first’ electric single-track off-road motorcycle at Move America

Oruga shows ‘world first’ electric single-track off-road motorcycle at Move America
Oruga shows ‘world first’ electric single-track off-road motorcycle at Move America
The Latvian mobility tech startup is accepting submissions for priority and regular pre-order waiting lists, as well as distribution and investment, offers for its Unitrack being designed and developed for 2025 as a reliable off-road solution for loose sand, muddy forests, rocky climbs, and snowy landscapes.
#Austin #electricsingletrackoffroadmotorcycle #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #Latvia #monotracktechnology #MOVEAmerica #offroadmobility #Oruga #OrugaUnitrack #OutdoorRiga #Riga #sustainablemobility #Texas


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