Aviva Links aims to transform zonal architectures with ‘industry’s only’ single-chip solution

Aviva Links aims to transform zonal architectures with ‘industry’s only’ single-chip solution
Aviva Links aims to transform zonal architectures with ‘industry’s only’ single-chip solution
Combining ASA Motion Link video and Ethernet backbone, the company is demoing the next-generation vehicle architecture it says was previously impractical to implement at the IEEE Standards Association‘s Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day 2024 in Detroit this week.
#ADAS #advanceddriverassistancesystem #ASAMotionLinkvideo #ASAMLE #automotiveconnectivity #AutomotiveEthernetCongress #AutomotiveSerDesAllianceMotionLinkEthernet #AvivaLinks #California #centralizedcomputearchitectures #Ethernet&IP@AutomotiveTechnologyDay #Ethernetbackbone #Ethernetconnectivity #Ethernetinvehicle #extendedreality #Futurride #IEEEStandardsAssociation #infotainment #robotics #SanJose #smartcity #sustainablemobility #telematics #WekaFachmedien #XR #zonalaggregation #zonaltopologies https://futurride.com/2024/10/16/aviva-aims-to-transform-zonal-architectures-with-industrys-only-single-chip-solution/


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