RFpro eases AV development with more advanced simulation platform

RFpro eases AV development with more advanced simulation platform
RFpro eases AV development with more advanced simulation platform
The company’s AV elevate enables closed-loop perception testing and the creation of synthetic training data through the tuning of sensor systems, training of perception and control algorithms, and testing of the full AV technology stack, reducing the industry’s reliance on real-world testing and data collection.
#ABDynamicsGroup #AutonomousVehicles #AVclosedloopperceptiontesting #AVdevelopment #AVsimulationplatform #AVsynthetictrainingdata #AVtechnologystack #AVs #driverintheloopsimulatorsoftware #Futurride #racecircuitdigitaltwins #RFpro #RFproAVelevate #sustainablemobility


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