Global shipping finance portfolio moves closer to alignment with net zero climate goals

Global shipping finance portfolio moves closer to alignment with net zero climate goals
Global shipping finance portfolio moves closer to alignment with net zero climate goals
The Poseidon Principles, which represents nearly 80% of global ship finance, publishes its fifth Annual Disclosure Report, showing progress towards decarbonized shipping, with transparency on the rise as financial institutions report on alignment with shipping’s net zero climate goals.
#APMollerMaersk #Cargill #Citi #DNB #Euronav #Futurride #GlobalMaritimeForum #globalshipfinanceportfolio #GramCarCarriers #IMOGreenhouseGasStrategy #InternationalMaritimeOrganization #Lloyd’sRegister #MaerskHalifax #MANEnergySolutions #maritimeindustrydecarbonization #maritimeshippingemissions #methanol #PoseidonPrinciples #PoseidonPrinciplesDisclosureReport #RockyMountainInstitute #SociétéGénérale #sustainablemobility #UMAS #WatsonFarley&Williams) #ZhoushanXinyaShipyard


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