Jaguar reinvents its itself, shows bold concept on new JEA platform

Jaguar reinvents its itself, shows bold concept on new JEA platform
Jaguar reinvents its itself, shows bold concept on new JEA platform
Following the debut of its new visual identity last month, the next step in its journey has been revealed at Miami Art Week in the form of a bold electric Type 00 design vision concept debuting Jaguar’s new Exuberant Modernism creative philosophy and previewing a four-door GT to be revealed in late 2025.
#designconceptvehicle #designvisionconceptvehicle #Elektrobit #Futurride #Jaguar #JaguarElectricalArchitecture #JaguarExuberantModernism #JaguarfourdoorelectricGT #JaguarType00 #JEA #JLR #LandRover #MeridianAudio #MiamiArtWeek #RangeRover #sustainablemobility #Type00


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