PhysicsX introduces free AI app for accelerated aerospace engineering

PhysicsX introduces free AI app for accelerated aerospace engineering
PhysicsX introduces free AI app for accelerated aerospace engineering
Ai.rplane is a publicly accessible reference application built on the startup’s LGM-Aero, the first large geometry model trained on AWS cloud compute on data including high-fidelity physics generated with Siemens aimed at generating novel aircraft designs and predicting physics of aircraft performance.
#aerospaceengineering #Airplane #aircraftdesign #aircraftsimulation #AWS #AWSreInvent #CFD #computationalfluiddynamics #FEA #finiteelementanalysis #FormulaOne #Futurride #GeneralCatalyst #KKR #largegeometrymodel #LasVegas #LGM #LGMAero #London #NGP #PhysicsX #PhysicsXAirplane #RadiusCapital #SiemensDigitalIndustries #SiemensXcelerator #StandardInvestments #startup #sustainablemobility


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