
Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform

Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform The first look at the SUV coming this fall reveals a sleeker design, more luxurious interior, and debuts the Stellantis BEV-native (but not exclusive) STLA Large platform for D and E segment vehicles, with Jeep and Dodge the lead launch brands followed later by Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, and Maserati. #AlfaRomeo #andSTLAAutoDrive #batteryelectricvehicle #BEV #BEVnative #Chrysler #DareForward #Dodge #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #GreenhouseGasProtocol #Jeep #JeepWagoneerS #Maserati #McIntosh #PeugeotPeugeotE3008 #Stellantis #STLABrain #STLALargeplatform #STLAMedium #STLASmartCockpit #sustainablemobility

REE ships x-by-wire electric trucks for West Coast customer demos

REE ships x-by-wire electric trucks for West Coast customer demos Customer trials are commencing for the Class 4 P7-C, said to be the first U.S. certified fully x-by-wire vehicle thanks to the REEcorner, which packs components like steering, braking, suspension, powertrain, and control into a compact module positioned between the chassis and each wheel. #Bedmart #Canteen #electrictruck #FMITrucks #FranzBakery #Futurride #HoribaMIRA #IndoorBillboard #Kelly’sHomeCenter #mediumdutyelectrictruck #Microvastlithiumionbattery #MicrovastMVCGen4 #MonarchTruckCenter #PointSTires #PoweredbyREE #REE #REEAutomotive #REEP7C #REECorner #StanfordUniversity #sustainablemobility #xbywirecommercialvehicle

Continental accelerates tech transfer from concept to production tires

Continental accelerates tech transfer from concept to production tires With a focus on sustainability, the German tire company is developing new tires in some cases taking only a year to go from concept to series production and is using silica from rice husk ash, carbon black from end-of-life tires, and polyester from recycled PET in series tires. #Continental #ContinentalCityPlus #ContinentalContiReTex #ContinentalGreenConcepttire #ContinentalUltraContactNXT #Futurride #PET #Polyethyleneterephthalate #SouthCarolina #sustainablemobility #sustainabletires

Goodyear engineers better EV tire and advances technology collaborations

Goodyear engineers better EV tire and advances technology collaborations At CES 2024, the leading U.S. tiremaker showed an all-season EV tire with more sustainable materials, improved rolling resistance, and long-lasting tread life, and discussed collaborations with TDK, Gatik, and TNO. #advancedtiretechnologies #CES2024 #electricvehicletire #EVtire #Futurride #Gatik #Goodyear #GoodyearElectricDrive2 #GoodyearSightLine #GoodyearTireandRubberCo #sustainablemobility #TDK #tireintelligence #TNO

iMotion selects Hailo and Renesas to power its iDC High domain controller

iMotion selects Hailo and Renesas to power its iDC High domain controller The high-performance and passively cooled iMotion iDC High domain controller, to be deployed in mass production by a Chinese OEM this year, uses a Hailo-8 AI accelerator selected and Renesas R-Car SoC for more affordable advanced driving and parking applications in mass market vehicles. #AD #ADAS #advanceddriverassistancesystems #AI #AIprocessor #artificialintelligence #automateddriving #autonomousdriving #domaincontroller #edgeAI #Futurride #Hailo #Hailo8 #iMotion #iMotioniDCHigh #RenesasRCarV4H #SoC #sustainablemobility #systemonchip

Volvo Penta goes big on IPS marine propulsion

Volvo Penta goes big on IPS marine propulsion After unveiling its IPS Professional Platform at CES, the supplier announced the first applications of its propulsion technology to help decarbonize the marine industry at Boot Düsseldorf 2024 with the first Sanlorenzo superyachts and the commercial wind-farm application with Northern Offshore Services. #BootDüsseldorf #crewtransfervessel #electricboat #ElectronicVesselControl #EVC #fuelcellboat #Futurride #Germany #hybridelectricboat #InboardPerformanceSystem #IPS #IPSProfessionalPlatform #NOS #NorthernOffshoreServices #offshorewindfarming #Sanlorenzo #SanlorenzoSX120 #SanlorenzoSX132 #Sanlorenzo’s50Steelyacht #sustainablemobility #VolvoPenta #WindEurope #yachts

Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars

Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars Added to the fast-growing list of electro-modders, the new PA-based company recently partnered with Alan Mann Racing to transform the classic first-gen Mustang into a daily-usable electric GT with performance, handling, safety, and comfort features far beyond the original. #1965MustangCoupe #AlanMannRacing #ElectricVehicle #electromod #EV #firstgenerationMustang #Ford #FordMustang #Futurride #LEDLivingTechnology #MannePowerCars #Manncorp #Pennsylvania #PhiladelphiaAutoShow #sustainablemobility