Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform
Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform The first look at the SUV coming this fall reveals a sleeker design, more luxurious interior, and debuts the Stellantis BEV-native (but not exclusive) STLA Large platform for D and E segment vehicles, with Jeep and Dodge the lead launch brands followed later by Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, and Maserati. #AlfaRomeo #andSTLAAutoDrive #batteryelectricvehicle #BEV #BEVnative #Chrysler #DareForward #Dodge #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #GreenhouseGasProtocol #Jeep #JeepWagoneerS #Maserati #McIntosh #PeugeotPeugeotE3008 #Stellantis #STLABrain #STLALargeplatform #STLAMedium #STLASmartCockpit #sustainablemobility https://futurride.com/2024/01/30/electric-jeep-wagoneer-s-debuts-stellantis-stla-large-platform/