
Showing posts from January, 2024

Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform

Electric Jeep Wagoneer S debuts Stellantis STLA Large platform The first look at the SUV coming this fall reveals a sleeker design, more luxurious interior, and debuts the Stellantis BEV-native (but not exclusive) STLA Large platform for D and E segment vehicles, with Jeep and Dodge the lead launch brands followed later by Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, and Maserati. #AlfaRomeo #andSTLAAutoDrive #batteryelectricvehicle #BEV #BEVnative #Chrysler #DareForward #Dodge #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #GreenhouseGasProtocol #Jeep #JeepWagoneerS #Maserati #McIntosh #PeugeotPeugeotE3008 #Stellantis #STLABrain #STLALargeplatform #STLAMedium #STLASmartCockpit #sustainablemobility

REE ships x-by-wire electric trucks for West Coast customer demos

REE ships x-by-wire electric trucks for West Coast customer demos Customer trials are commencing for the Class 4 P7-C, said to be the first U.S. certified fully x-by-wire vehicle thanks to the REEcorner, which packs components like steering, braking, suspension, powertrain, and control into a compact module positioned between the chassis and each wheel. #Bedmart #Canteen #electrictruck #FMITrucks #FranzBakery #Futurride #HoribaMIRA #IndoorBillboard #Kelly’sHomeCenter #mediumdutyelectrictruck #Microvastlithiumionbattery #MicrovastMVCGen4 #MonarchTruckCenter #PointSTires #PoweredbyREE #REE #REEAutomotive #REEP7C #REECorner #StanfordUniversity #sustainablemobility #xbywirecommercialvehicle

Continental accelerates tech transfer from concept to production tires

Continental accelerates tech transfer from concept to production tires With a focus on sustainability, the German tire company is developing new tires in some cases taking only a year to go from concept to series production and is using silica from rice husk ash, carbon black from end-of-life tires, and polyester from recycled PET in series tires. #Continental #ContinentalCityPlus #ContinentalContiReTex #ContinentalGreenConcepttire #ContinentalUltraContactNXT #Futurride #PET #Polyethyleneterephthalate #SouthCarolina #sustainablemobility #sustainabletires

Goodyear engineers better EV tire and advances technology collaborations

Goodyear engineers better EV tire and advances technology collaborations At CES 2024, the leading U.S. tiremaker showed an all-season EV tire with more sustainable materials, improved rolling resistance, and long-lasting tread life, and discussed collaborations with TDK, Gatik, and TNO. #advancedtiretechnologies #CES2024 #electricvehicletire #EVtire #Futurride #Gatik #Goodyear #GoodyearElectricDrive2 #GoodyearSightLine #GoodyearTireandRubberCo #sustainablemobility #TDK #tireintelligence #TNO

iMotion selects Hailo and Renesas to power its iDC High domain controller

iMotion selects Hailo and Renesas to power its iDC High domain controller The high-performance and passively cooled iMotion iDC High domain controller, to be deployed in mass production by a Chinese OEM this year, uses a Hailo-8 AI accelerator selected and Renesas R-Car SoC for more affordable advanced driving and parking applications in mass market vehicles. #AD #ADAS #advanceddriverassistancesystems #AI #AIprocessor #artificialintelligence #automateddriving #autonomousdriving #domaincontroller #edgeAI #Futurride #Hailo #Hailo8 #iMotion #iMotioniDCHigh #RenesasRCarV4H #SoC #sustainablemobility #systemonchip

Volvo Penta goes big on IPS marine propulsion

Volvo Penta goes big on IPS marine propulsion After unveiling its IPS Professional Platform at CES, the supplier announced the first applications of its propulsion technology to help decarbonize the marine industry at Boot Düsseldorf 2024 with the first Sanlorenzo superyachts and the commercial wind-farm application with Northern Offshore Services. #BootDüsseldorf #crewtransfervessel #electricboat #ElectronicVesselControl #EVC #fuelcellboat #Futurride #Germany #hybridelectricboat #InboardPerformanceSystem #IPS #IPSProfessionalPlatform #NOS #NorthernOffshoreServices #offshorewindfarming #Sanlorenzo #SanlorenzoSX120 #SanlorenzoSX132 #Sanlorenzo’s50Steelyacht #sustainablemobility #VolvoPenta #WindEurope #yachts

Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars

Classic Ford Mustangs get new, electric life courtesy of Mann ePower Cars Added to the fast-growing list of electro-modders, the new PA-based company recently partnered with Alan Mann Racing to transform the classic first-gen Mustang into a daily-usable electric GT with performance, handling, safety, and comfort features far beyond the original. #1965MustangCoupe #AlanMannRacing #ElectricVehicle #electromod #EV #firstgenerationMustang #Ford #FordMustang #Futurride #LEDLivingTechnology #MannePowerCars #Manncorp #Pennsylvania #PhiladelphiaAutoShow #sustainablemobility

BlackBerry QNX and AWS help Stellantis create virtual cockpit

BlackBerry QNX and AWS help Stellantis create virtual cockpit The automaker has introduced the first-of-its-kind virtual cockpit as a key component of its Virtual Engineering Workbench, which it says will transform in-vehicle software engineering and speed up infotainment system development. #AWS #AWSMarketplace #Blackberry #CES2024 #Chrysler #Futurride #QNXAccelerate #QNXHypervisor #softwaredefinedvehicle #Stellantis #StellantisVEW) #sustainablemobility #virtualcockpit #virtualcockpitplatform #VirtualEngineeringWorkbench

HD Hyundai shares Xite construction innovation vision

HD Hyundai shares Xite construction innovation vision In his CES 2024 keynote, Vice Chairman Kisun Chung shared his vision for Xite Transformation with cutting-edge technologies that go beyond improving construction sites and equipment to transform the way humanity builds the future with partners like Google, Gravis Robotics, CNH, and AWS. #AAVM #AI #artificialintelligence #AutonomousVehicle #AV #AWS #cablessexcavator #CES2024 #CNH #ElectricVehicle #EV #futureconstructionequipment #futureconstructionsites #Futurride #generativeAI #GoogleCloud #GravisRobotics #HDHyundai #HDHyundaiInfracore #HDHyundaiXiteSolution #MinistryofIndustryandMineralResource #NEOM #robotics #smartconstruction #sustainablemobility #unmannedexcavator #XWise #Xite #XiteTransformation

Xpeng AeroHT takes flight with eVTOL and modular car

Xpeng AeroHT takes flight with eVTOL and modular car The affiliate of new EV mobility OEM Xpeng at CES 2024 showed the latest version of its supercar-like flying eVTOL concept, which made its international debut in Las Vegas, and SUV-like Land Aircraft Carrier, a modular flying car, that is ready for mass production with pre-orders in Q4 of this year. #CES #CES2024 #electricairmobility #electricverticaltakeoffandlanding #eVTOL #flyingcar #Futurride #LandAircraftCarrier #modularflyingcar #sustainablemobility #Xpeng #XpengAeroHT

BMW offers a glimpse into its future ‘ultimate digital experience’

BMW offers a glimpse into its future ‘ultimate digital experience’ The ultimate driving machine automaker has added “the ultimate digital experience,” proving it at CES 2024 with its latest OS 9 enabling new gaming experiences, a new video entertainment app, enhanced driving with Xreal AR glasses, Alexa LLM voice assistant, and Valeo automated valet parking. #AmazonAlexa #AR #augmentedreality #automatedparking #BMW #BMWConnectedDriveStore #BMWMotorrad #BMWOperatingSystem9 #CES #CES2024 #DTSAutoStage #Futurride #gaming #generativeAI #incarvideostreaming #infotainment #IntelligentPersonalAssistant #largelanguagemodel #LLM #MetaRealityLabs #Mini #mixedreality #MR #sustainablemobility #TiVo #Valeo #Xperi #Xreal #XrealAir2

Caterpillar amps up electrification and energy solutions

Caterpillar amps up electrification and energy solutions At CES 2024, the off-highway vehicle powerhouse brought electric machines from opposite ends of the size spectrum—the 301.9 mini-excavator and XE LHD underground loader for mining—and emphasized energy solutions to help customers more easily electrify their job sites. #Caterpillar #Caterpillar3019 #CaterpillarMEC500 #CaterpillarR1700XELHD #CES #CES2024 #CRH #electricminiexcavator #electricmining #electricoffhighwaymachines #electricundergroundloader #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #mobileequipment #Newmont #offhighwayenergy #sustainablemobility

Lightship gets funding boost to bring L1 electric travel trailer to market

Lightship gets funding boost to bring L1 electric travel trailer to market The new $34 Million Series B funding helps to fast-track the end-of-2024 manufacturing launch to bring electrification to the segment with an innovative focus on aerodynamics with a telescoping vehicle design supported by electric propulsion fed by battery and solar energy. #AllegisCapital #AlumniVentures #Broomfield #Colorado #CongruentVentures #electricrecreationalvehicle #electricRV #electrictraveltrailer #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #HyperGuap #Lightship #LightshipL1 #ObviousVentures #PreludeVentures #SanFrancisco #sustainablemobility #TechNexusVentureCollaborative #THORIndustries

Distilled to the max

Distilled to the max Futurride Design & Experience Contributor, Charles Johnson, looks at two exercises in minimalist mobility from CES 2024. #Adidas #automotivedesign #Bollinger #BollingerB2 #CES2024 #FormulaOne #Futurride #Honda #HondaSaloon #LasVegas #manmaximummachineminimum #minimalistmobility #Puma #reducingtothemax #sportsindustrydesign #sustainablemobility

Kia launches Platform Beyond Vehicle line of modular concept vehicles

Kia launches Platform Beyond Vehicle line of modular concept vehicles At CES, Kia unveiled a new customizable EV concept lineup of purpose-built vehicles for commercial and fleet applications featuring interchangeable bodies and intelligent software. #AAM #advancedairmobility #Aptiv #autonomousdriving #CES2024 #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #HyundaiMotorGroup #Kia #KiaConceptPV5 #KiaEasySwap #KiaPlatformBeyondVehicle #KiaPV1 #KiaPV5 #KiaPV7 #Motional #PBV #robotics #SDx #softwaretoeverything #sustainablemobility

Honda launches electric 0 Series concepts at CES 2024

Honda launches electric 0 Series concepts at CES 2024 The first two EV concepts—the Saloon and Space-Hub—preview a series set to go into production starting in 2026 under a new Honda approach to EV development called “thin, light, and wise” as the company works to achieve full automobile electrification globally by 2040. #CES2024 #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #Honda #Honda0Series #HondaSaloon #HondaSpaceHub #sustainablemobility #thinlightwise

Hailo shows latest edge AI vision technologies at CES

Hailo shows latest edge AI vision technologies at CES CES Brief: The company’s Hailo-15 and Hailo-8 AI processors bring cloud processing capabilities to the edge for partners like Tier IV, Renesas, iMotion, TT Control, and #AD #ADAS #advanceddriverassistancesystems #AIaccelerator #AIprocessing #AIvisionprocessor #autonomousdriving #CES2024 #edgeAI #Futurride #Gunsens #Hailo #Hailo15 #Hailo8 #iMotion #Renesas #smartcamera #sustainablemobility #TierIV #Truen #TTControl #Veloai #videoanalytics

Verge updates Verge TS Ultra e-motorcycle with Starmatter platform

Verge updates Verge TS Ultra e-motorcycle with Starmatter platform The Verge TS Ultra electric motorcycle has been upgraded with artificial intelligence and machine learning, with displays that the company says will guarantee riders a clear and informative view. #CES2024 #electricsuperbike #Futurride #sustainablemobility #VergeMotorcycles #VergeStarmatter #VergeTSUltra

Marelli evolves digital cockpit into a software-defined interior experience

Marelli evolves digital cockpit into a software-defined interior experience At CES 2024, the automotive supplier is showing an experience built on a central computing unit powered by the latest generation Qualcomm Snapdragon cockpit platform and features innovative displays and key technology contributions from BOE, Eyeris, and Sibros. #AI #artificialintelligence #BOE #BOEVaritronix #CES2024 #Eyeris #Futurride #holographic #HorizonView #Marelli #OLED #organiclightemittingdiode #Qualcomm #QualcommSnapdragoncockpit #Sibros #softwaredefinedaudio #softwaredefinedinterior #sustainablemobility

ZF shows Goodyear driving dynamics collaboration and parking ECU at CES

ZF shows Goodyear driving dynamics collaboration and parking ECU at CES The integration of Goodyear Sightline and ZF cubiX, a CES 2024 Innovation Award Honoree, explores new safety features and enhanced driving dynamics, and the parking ECU debuting with Zeekr makes automated parking functions more affordable. #automatedparking #Calmcar #CES2024 #Futurride #Goodyear #GoodyearSightLine #parkingECU #roaddata #sustainablemobility #tiredata #tireintelligence #VehicleDynamics #vehiclemotioncontrolsoftware #visionsimultaneouslocalizationandmapping #VSLAM #Zeekr #ZF #ZFcubiX

Ansys launches streamlined ADAS/AV simulation software

Ansys launches streamlined ADAS/AV simulation software Co-developed with the BMW Group, the cloud-native, end-to-end Ansys AVxcelerate Autonomy solution revealed at CES 2024 is siad to be capable of reducing development cost and validation timelines by 100,000 times by simulating the majority driving scenarios for Level 2+ and above compliance. #ADAS #Ansys #AnsysAVxcelerateAutonomy #ASAM #ASAMopenX #autosimulation #AutonomousVehicle #AV #AVxcelerateAutonomy #BMW7Series #BMWGroup #BMWPersonalPilotL3 #CES2024 #engineeringsimulationsoftware #Futurride #ISO26262 #modelbasedsystemsengineering #SAELevel3 #sustainablemobility

Bosch combines infotainment and driver assistance on one chip

Bosch combines infotainment and driver assistance on one chip Premiered at CES 2024, the top automotive supplier demonstrates integrated functions from previously separate vehicle domains on an SoC, as it sees great market potential for more centralized vehicle computers at the heart of software-defined cars. #ADAS #autocockpit #automotiveE/E #Bosch #BoschMobility #CES2024 #Futurride #SoC #softwaredefinedcars #softwaredefinedmobilitycentralizedelectric/electronic #sustainablemobility #systemonchip

Nvidia increases AI influence with new wave of Chinese EV makers

Nvidia increases AI influence with new wave of Chinese EV makers At CES 2024, the leader in artificial intelligence computing announced that Li Auto has selected Drive Thor for its next-gen EVs and that GWM and Xiaomi are developing cars powered by Nvidia Drive Orin, and its highlights of other partners at the show emphasized the global reach of its technology. #AI #AIcarcomputer #Ansys #artificialintelligence #automateddriving #Cerence #CES2024 #Cipia #ElectricVehicle #EV #GWM #KodiakRobotics #Lenovo #LiAuto #Luminar #MercedesBenz #Nvidia #NvidiaDriveOrin #NvidiaDriveThor #NvidiaOmniverse #Pebble #Polestar #Xiaomi

Forvia aims for sustainability and fresh user experiences at CES 2024

Forvia aims for sustainability and fresh user experiences at CES 2024 One of the supplier’s key debuts is its Horizon concept aimed at providing fresh user experiences in a mid-size SUV package with surfaces that transform using high-tech lighting and projection technologies, adding to four innovation accolades leading up to the show. #biobasedmaterials #CES2024 #Faurecia #Forvia #ForviaAirVision #ForviaHorizon #ForviaLightTile #ForviaSkylineForviaeMirrorSafeUX #ForviaSupremoseat #Futurride #Hella #HellaFlatLightµMX #humanmachineinterface #ScienceBased #Scope1emissions #Scope2emissions #Scope3emissions #sustainablemobility

Horwin brings Senmenti e-motorcycles to North America

Horwin brings Senmenti e-motorcycles to North America CES Brief: At CES 2024, the China-based electric motorcycle company will unveil three models including a concept capable of 80% charging in 30 min and featuring technology highlights like the Intelligent Mobility chassis and the company’s AI-powered Advanced Rider Assistance System. #AdvancedRiderAssistanceSystem #Changzhou #China #electricmotorcycle #Futurride #Horwin #HorwinAmerica #IntelligentMobility #Senmenti #Senmenti0 #Senmenti11 #SenmentiX #sustainablemobility

BT Group aims to quickly boost EV charging points in the UK

BT Group aims to quickly boost EV charging points in the UK CES Brief: A new pilot program from Etc., the digital incubation arm of BT Group, will repurpose utility street cabinets traditionally used to store broadband and phone cabling for public EV charging in the UK. #BTGroup #CES2024 #CESInnovationHonoree #EastLothian #electricvehiclecharging #Etc #EVcharging #Futurride #Scotland #sustainablemobility #UKchargepoints

Sonatus introduces Updater for over-the-air software management

Sonatus introduces Updater for over-the-air software management CES Brief: The solution, part of the bigger Sonatus Vehicle Platform, is engineered to enable OEMs and their ecosystems to deliver vehicle software and ECU firmware updates to their customers with greater confidence, better visibility, predictable cost, and improved security. #automotivesoftware #California #Futurride #Genesis #Hyundai #Kia #OTAupdates #SDV #softwaredefinedvehicle #Sonatus #SonatusUpdaterovertheairupdates #SonatusVehiclePlatform #StrategyAnalytics #Sunnyvale #sustainablemobility #TechInsights #Tesla #WakefieldResearch #WardsIntelligence

Meridian Audio gives Kia’s EV9 an immersive, EV-optimized acoustic experience

Meridian Audio gives Kia’s EV9 an immersive, EV-optimized acoustic experience The solution was to move the focus from hardware to software, according to Meridian Chief Executive John Buchanan, with the 14-speaker system employing a suite of proprietary digital signal processing technologies optimized for the surprisingly challenging acoustic environment. #digitalsignalprocessing #DSP #DSPalgorithms #ElectricVehicle #EV #Futurride #immersiveexperience #incabin #incaracoustics #Kia #KiaEV9 #KiaMotors #Meridian #MeridianAudio #MeridianDigitalPrecision #MeridianHorizon #MeridianIntelliQ #MeridianREQ #Mobis #openairconnectedsubwoofer #psychoacoustics #surroundsound #sustainablemobility